Happy Weekend,
Blogs can be an extremely beneficial strategy to get students to share ideas, look to others for advice, and become generally more aware individuals in a variety of subjects. As an educator, blogs can be used to explore other educators (as I explored in my last couple posts), but can also serve as a support system for teachers and students. Putting your thinking into writing is sometimes easier for some students then putting themselves out there in the classroom setting (twenty-nine other sets of eyes can be intimidating). This style of learning gives students more freedom to express themselves and learn important technology skills. Teachers can have students keep online journals, research blogs on specific subjects, and/or keep a class blog to keep parents/guardians in the loop. Using blogs, in comparison to Word documents, also gives students the luxury of immediate feedback from teachers, other students and readers (however, remember to teach safety tips first since blogs are public). The blog can serve as an open discussion for students to learn from each other. This style of teaching can lead to more independent learners who are better equipped for the real world. If blogging seems intimidating at first, just start one for yourself to get better equipped to teach your students. Sometimes all it takes is the first step to make a BIG difference in the classroom.
Miss. Garrison
Yes. Well done. The safety aspect is very important as well. Make sure that if you do have students blogging that you a) take the necessary precautions and b) have a compelling argument why blogging is necessary/beneficial.